Monday, November 5, 2007,8816,1622009,00.html

This article is about how former Vice President and Presidental Candidate in 2000, Al Gore has found his true calling. Not the as a politician but Mr. Al Gore the enviromentalist. I feel through this author's story a peaceful, laid back and self assured man. While Mr. Gore may indeed feel the itch to run for politics again, it is that alter ego that would ask him why? I have sensed the urgency is no longer there but should America need him he could and would serve on behalf of the American people. The author states that "He (Al Gore) dedicated himself to a larger cause, doing everything in his power to sound the alarm about the climate crisis". Personally I would like Mr Gore to keep the focus the evironment issues because now the movement has a face. With Mr. Gore's Oscar winning documentary and his slide show presentation, he is educating thousands causing a dramatic shift toward saving our planet.

1 comment:

English Composition said...

Great entry, Derek. There is passion behind these last two commentaries. Terrific. Much better writing too.